Shaping is a cut-throat business these days with everyone trying to keep up with the trends.
It seems that guys learned their lesson with Kelly Slaters' Wizards Sleeve model. They all said it was ugly and would never take off. We are now five years down the line and most everyday boards are based loosely on the Sleeve.Everyone seems copying the 'Tomo' shapes while all eyes are on the Slater Designs 'Omni' just to see if history repeats itself.
But thats not what I want to talk about. I just want to remind you of (or introduce you for the first time to) is a chap who does not try and keep up with trends but rather shapes surfboards as if the 1980's onward has never happened.
Tyler Hatzikian is a legend in the shaping world but that is not all he does, sit back, relax, grab a coffee and watch this short and inspiring flick.