There is no doubt in my mind that Bobby Martinez is the top pick and a in for this, its just a shame he could not hang in there with the changing WSL World Tennis Tour.
Bobby as you may or may not know quit his place on the WSL in dramatic flare calling the changing face of the ASP (WSL) a World Tennis Tour and swearing multiple times on live webcast. A Crying shame for those of us that loved to watch him surf but probably better for all the groms that watch the live webcast.
I can already hear Aussis crying out, what about Occy! Known to some as the best Goofy footers around. To give Occy his dues, he does have a great bottom to top turn on him, maybe the best in the game, but that's it. No real innovation.
The only other surfer that I would put up there with Bobby is Medina or to be clear the Medina that Gabriel will grow up to be if he doesn't decide to do a Bobby. Gabriel has the innovative approach and is successful enough and young enough to really make an impact and change in our sport. For some reason, I am not really a fan of him but you can not deny his surfing.
However, now is now and for me Bobby Martinez gets it. Any thoughts on this, who would you choose?
Bobnby Matinez, the other bald one.