Well of course not, but maybe they will help you get to a place where you can start to learn how to this. With almost unbeatable value for money, the cool 'ninja' black look and all-around solid, 'no-nonsense' performance, these boardies are not to be scoffed at. I speak from experience as I have had a pair for just under a year and they are still my favorites. They still look like they did, are comfy and do not cost the earth. If you don't need your boardies 'Laser cut' or to stretch down to your ankles then these puppies could save you a few bob (some cash).

This aside, the clip above is really what I wanted to talk about, Torren Martyn is one of the most exciting surfers to grace the surface of our world at this moment. I would dearly love to see more clips of this whipper-snapper (young lad) executing turns and doing twirls all with the speed and grace of a gazelle.

With echoes of an extinct age, threatening to make a resurgence into the mainstream, these twin fins and operators such as Troyen are literally begging for a bigger stage. Should it be? Could it work? Can we have a league or comp for twinnys that is more mainstream? Would anyone watch it? I would.

In the meantime, I am almost content to sit back, get my needessentials boardies and bib out and salivate to my heart's content at clips just like this.

Torren Martyn slashing the hell out of this crystal clear beauty.

Torren Martyn slashing the hell out of this crystal clear beauty.

Torren with stretch fives on a twinny while hunting the tube. Enough said.

Torren with stretch fives on a twinny while hunting the tube. Enough said.
