Are surfers that fussy about their environment? The answer is, not fussy enough, the sea is our playground and without it our sport would not exist blah blah. You have heard the preaching before about how we all need to 'make more of an effort' and that 'every little counts' and that's true. The sad reality is that a lot of people/industries/governments are walking around with their fingers in their ears and nodding away saying that they are doing their best.
clean up needed
Andrew Turton & Pete Ceglinskilook are looking at the issue in a different way. They actually wanted to make a positive change, and maybe this is where it starts for us, with the development of the Sea Bin. Pete & Andrew's design and product looks awesome and focuses on filtering the rubbish out of the sea. it works 24 hours a day and uses minimum energy. Enough words, have a look at the short video below to explain the product fully.
The Guys are running an Indegogo campaign at the moment to help get production off the ground in a big way so be sure to look them up if you like the idea.
clean up needed
It is a simple but effective idea.
The founders of the Sea Bin