Mick Fanning. You really can't say a bad thing about him. Can you? Nope, I can't think of a time when he slipped up on a after heat interview, always humble, always says the right thing. He does not come across too bright so he connects with a lot of people, no one feels threatened by him and he does surf very well. Every pro surfer on tour speaks highly of him. The WSL commentators keep on about him. He survived a shark attack, his bother died last year and he split with his wife.
A Global Surf Hero might be right title.
So why has my ass began to twitch at the very mention of his name?
Maybe its because a lot of people face similar things all round the globe every year but are not in the enviable position of being a pro surfer. Poor didums needs some time off. Grow a pair and get on with your job Mick.
Maybe its because he has not won a world title for the last 2 years but the WSL commentators act like he is the defending champ?
Maybe its because I simply (and I realize this is a personal thing) find his surfing impressive but….BORING. At this moment I am having a conversation with our UK Surf Bunker rep and he looooves Mick so I am fully aware that this article will not be liked by the majority.
Maybe its because he just expects to take time of this year and skim through and qualify next year. How many really talented guys on the QS would give their left nut (literally) to have a year on the Tour.
Or maybe just maybe it because STAB mag and the company that owns them (which includes Surf Stitch, Magic Seaweed, Surfdome and more) will just not stop going on about Mick.
Sure, Stab is an Aussi mag and Mick is an Aussi and a world champ but how many more amazing Aussi surfers are their on tour? And don't they deserve some air time. Jules? Stu Kennedy? To name just two surfers I would much rather watch in serious conditions.
Just to clear things up here, I don't dislike Mick or his surfing, I just find that its all getting a bit old, everyone is talking about what he had for breakfast, what sunblock he uses and he is not even really on tour this year. Yes last year was a huge shocker of a year for him but we have done that haven't we? Thats (literally) last years news.
Another exciting cutback.
I have not heard a single thing about what Medina or Da Souza have been up to (the last two world champs) or what the hell Conner Coffin is doing at number 2 on the leaderboard on his rookie year! I wonder if that has ever been done before?
To sum up, less Mick and more eveyone else. It feels weird to know I have probably pissed off 75% of the people that read this but it had to be said. Good luck in your year off Mick.
Mick, the forever world champ.
Wishing he was Mick.
pssst, wrong country mate.
Another exciting cutback.