The mystical number crunchers are still out on who will make it onto the big boy tour from the QS and who will get the big boot off the main stage. Such is the design of the WSL that having three big events back to back in Hawaii is kind of a big deal as regards to points and qualification. It really does come down to the wire.
I am probably jinxing this guy right now but I would like to share with you a clip featuring a guy whose carrier I have been watching for a while now. He just so happens to be joint number one on the QS at the moment and looking good for qualification.
Caio Ibelli – This young Brazilian has been on my radar for a while, a bit like Wiggolly he seems to love the decent size barrels and big power hooks, refreshing to see in today’s up-and-comers. An interesting fact is that Caio is 2 months older than Gabriel Medina. Just imagine having to go through all the junior comps being compared to Gabriel, no thanks. Anyway, this kid is seriously underrated... check out this clip of Caio playing with some heavy looking beachies.
There are really no surprises here as Caio is a former world Junior Champ but then again so is Matt Banting and look what a shocking season he has had.
It really is true that performing on the 'Big Stage' is a lot different to the QS and some competitors are not up to the pressure, the tactics and the travelling but I am going on record now to say that if I have not jinxed Caio with this article then he will be a force to be reckoned with next year.
Caio sealing the deal.
Maybe even world title materiel. Watch this space.
Happy Mr Ibelli.
Gabriel and Caio.
Quicksilver King of the Groms at Hossegor.
Caio sealing the deal.