Well that is what it seems like sometimes... How did Brazilians get so good at surfing? I remember (showing my age) Neco Padaraz being on tour and dropping off, there was no one else on tour for Brazil until Adriano da Souza who was touted as this massive talent wonder kid.
Fast forward to now and the tour is dominated by Brazilians...and why is that? Answer : free surfing. That’s right free surfing has changed the face of the ASP/WSL/BSL whatever you want to call it.
If you will indulge me a moment, I can explain.
In a world that was traditionally dominated by Australians, Hawiians and Americans, there has been a power shift. There is a new nation in the mix and for one to emerge another has to disappear. Being a bit geeky I counted the number of each on tour :
1st Australia : 12 surfers2nd Brazil : 7 surfers
3rd equal Hawaii and USA : 4 each
Some of my favourite footage of a young Medina from 2012, astounding just how far ahead this kid is.
When you look at it like this, it seems that both the USA and Hawaii have lost spots to the Brazilians. Yep and why is that? Some may say that it is or was boom time in Brazil and the US has struggled blah blah blah. In my eyes it comes down to free surfing and having the option to do that.
In Brazil there are not many free surfers, there is just not really that option, not that carreer path. If you want to make a living as a surfer you have to go out there and prove yourself on the world stage. That is exactly what they are doing. And its awesome. I heard Martin Potter on the WSL webcast saying that Miguel Pupo was using his winnings to install a non dirt floor in his parents house! Its just a different level of drive these guys have to take nothing of the way that they approach every heat with such passion.
In the US, sadly, it seems that there are some absolutely amazing surfers who have just chosen not to perform. On that stage anyway. The obvious example is Mr Dane Reynolds, in any conditions he is just a joy to watch but says he does not enjoy comps. The option has always been there for Americans just take a look back at the ultimate free surfer Rob Machado who is almost as much a house hold name as Kelly.
As you may or may not know, I am one of quite a few Kelly Slater fans world wide and have enjoyed watching him surf on a number of occasions. The difference being the intensity level that he brings to heats in good waves. I believe that Mr Slater is going in for retirement and it seems he has found a replacement. Nope not John John as I believe he would have liked, but Gabriel Medina.
I was not a massive fan of Gabby, thinking he was cocky and spoiled, but really he is only 20 years old, and if I was a world champ of anything at 20 then maybe I would be a bit cocky too. After watching him surf live in a few events recently I have noticed that same intensity, that same showmanship that I had only ever noticed in Kelly's heats.
Lets have a look and see how the Brazilians are doing. Here is the top ten on the WSL in country order.
Brasil : 4
Australia : 3
USA : 2
I would say that as a percentage, they are doing pretty well.
My very very long-winded point is that Brazil is here to stay and dominate on the WSL, and Gabriel could be the new Kelly. He has the belief, he has the skills, the only thing missing is a part in Baywatch and a date with Pammy.
Brazilian Force.
Brazil tube
Gabriel Medina
The New Kelly?