What's that you may ask, well, you would be right to ask. I am not even sure if that's the correct term, but it is what I am calling the hipster thing mainly because its what everyone used to get up to and now they are doing it again, hipster stuff, flowers, peace etc.
So what is different about new school old school (hipster). Well, now everyone seems to own a goPro or a decent SLR or a phone with a pretty good camera on it, and my point is that the coolest of the cool can let everyone else out there know EXACTLY how to be cool, what to wear, how to walk, what board to surf and how to surf it. I am pretty into this new(ish) old thing as it promotes bio and sustainable living, friendliness and dare I say it ...peace. Also I am not adverse to riding a log sometimes and I don't mind trying to surf a finless board.
Check this quick video out of one of my favourites, style master....Jared Mell
Of course there have to be pioneers in getting a movement like this going, maybe a Machado thing back in the day or Craig Anderson, or Beau Young, but there are some guys who are actually pushing stuff to the limit with some of the surfing they are doing, its all about style and less about power and its just a joy to watch, throw in a good soundtrack and you have sold it (to me anyway)