Yes they are. I have had my eye firmly peeled for a second hand Miller surfboard for over a year. What I have discovered is that they are well kept secret. Why?
The answer is I have no clue. Ellie makes the sort of surfboards that are (in my opinion) right up there. She is a student of the art and her productions are greedily swallowed up and kept out of the limelight. The few times I have seen her boards for sale secondhand there is always an almost heartbreaking reason for sale. They are sold about 20 seconds later.
Two words are IN and DEMAND.
A friend of mine that still resides on the gusty, cold and often swell redundant island of my birth (UK) posted on social media that he is looking for a new board. His geographical location was not far from Ellie's so I explained that I would give my left gentleman's part for one of her boards. That's how good they are.
Yet there was still hesitance, I can't understand it. If you need a new board and don't know a shaper that can make you something great that you will not want to sell ever then go and see Ellie. I reckon you will not be disappointed,
Ellie with a beautiful looking board.
Miss Miller with her creations.