I was first introduced to Mission Beach during high school when I’d go there to compete in NSSA surf contests. I never did particularly well there, but I will always look back on those weekends with fondness. It was my first taste of a city that I would grow to love throughout college, and it felt awesome.
The waves and atmosphere of Mission Beach are a blast. The summer before I started school at SDSU, I remember visiting my friends brother’s place on Jamaica, and that’s where I first encountered SLOMO. My first reaction was to laugh because he is such a bizarre thing to see gliding down the boardwalk. He had a smile on his face and looked stoked on life.
Years later when I was living in Mission myself, I exchanged a few short words with him out front of my condo on Santa Clara Place. I gave him a shoutout as many people tend to do, and he stopped and said to me, “If you don’t slow down from time to time, life will pass you right by.”
I shit you not. Those wise and unexpected words have stuck with me ever since, and this short film by Josh Izenberg is really a treat to watch. SLOMO is one of a kind.