Somewhat akin to the Rasta/Dane/Craig Anderson school of left-field free surfing, and wholly inspired by a distaste for the mundane, young creative surfers such as the Murder Squad are getting away from the 9-5 to chase waves in remote locations around the globe. Before you cry foul with allegations of sponsorship, surfing isn't their bread and butter; admittedly they spend part of their year in Western Australia (they call Perth home) working like the rest of us dogs. However, for the most part they've begun to subsidise long stay visits to Indonesia, Africa and North America by playing into their creative strengths in the fields of photography, videophography, visual art and design - all with a central focus on surfing and immaturity.
After a few years of scrapping around the globe things are starting to happen for the Murder Squad. They've edited vids for one of the bigger global surf companies, been invited to participate in curated art galleries and this next eternity in Indonesia should bring to fruition a fucked-up-in-the-best-kind-of-way take on apparel.
In light of this I wanted to sit down for a (somewhat) formal interview. Due to their constant geographical displacement, I gave up trying to synchronise their time zones for a live interview and caught them on the tackiest platform imaginable; fb chat…
Fb Messanger insert.
Interview with the Murder Squad.
There we have it; a stream of consciousness from a group of kids who probably get more waves overseas than you do, and for no good reason other than wanting to and making it happen. Oh, and because they're quickly turning everyday hobbies into moneymakers.
become the squad.
Art in the air.
A Firewire Pyzel.
Custom Murder Squad paint job.
become the squad.
murder squad vision.
Fb Messanger insert.
Interview with the Murder Squad.