What’s Fuel10K I hear you ask? Well Fuel10K are a company who’s desire is to fuel extreme sports enthusiasts ambitions. They do this with a range of protein boosted breakfast products. I won’t steal too much of their thunder as you can find out all about them at www.fuel10k.com but the theory behind the name is of 10,000 hours, first put forward by Dr Anders Ericsson, and then later popularised by Malcolm Gladwell. That’s 20 hours a week, 1000 hours a year, for 10 years, totalling 10,000 hours as the acknowledged level of application required to achieve excellence in a chosen field.
Hours in for results out – that’s what it takes to be elite.
Whatever you’re into, they think protein is a good thing. Especially first thing in the morning when the body could do with extra protein to send us on our way.
Lets see what Frygella thinks of the Fuel10k Full English Breakfast
In today's world of fitness and nutrition getting a little extra protein in your diet isn’t a bad thing and with surfing being an extremely popular physical exercise I can see why these guys want a slice of the action. I would think the majority of surfers don’t really see their chosen sport as exercise or really consider fueling themselves adequately, before or after. Surfing is extremely exhausting depending on your fitness level and getting fatigued just as the waves get good is a rather disappointing prospect.
So the friendly people over a Fuel10K contacted us at SB asking if we would like some free samples, now not a man to turn down free food I willingly obliged. But there was a catch I had to eat the products and review them. It’s a tough life.
A couple of weeks later a box load of breakfast products arrived. Fuel10k’s product range is breakfast orientated, but I like to think you can eat breakfast products any time of day. The range is made up of Granola's, porridge oats, instant oats (just add boiling water), a protein weetabix style cereal, a flakes style cereal and liquid breakfast (a kinda milkshake/smoothie.)
After studying the packaging for a moment, the first thing that grabs your attention in the sinister looking eye peering out of the box, with the black-background and colourful type I’m sure this will capture the imagination of the most discerning of breakfast product aficionados, especially while wandering the breakfast product isle at your local supermarket.
It’s fair to say that of all the products I tasted, (I couldn’t taste them all there are only so many breakfast products a man can take in a short space of time) they tasted great if a little sweet for my pallet, the products contain a reasonable amount of sugar, some more than others, but then this is a product focused at extreme sports and as we have all felt the need for an extra boost of energy now and again it’s not a bad thing.
For me 2 of the best products in the range are the instant oats and the liquid breakfast. Both are great for between surfs when down at the beach already and needing some extra fuel for the next surf, with the added bonus you don’t have to spend a fortune at the beach café. So if you are the kind of person who gets up grabs your board and heads out for a surf, Fuel10K could be the product you need in you life to give you that boost in the water when you need it.
Fuel10k stacks up pretty well in the price market against other products there are some varying costs for breakfast products these days but by far the cheapest way to get it via their website and bulk buy. So pop down you local supermarket first give it a try then order on line, that way everybody’s a winner.
I’m no nutritional or fitness expert but it is a subject I’ve spent time researching and something I try to practice. If you calorie count, carb cycle, and are not happy unless you get you macro-nutrient quota, or if you even know what macro-nutrients are, this probably isn’t the breakfast cereal for you. I’m not here to tell you what you should eat for breakfast and as such I should add a little disclaimer; the words in this review are my own and my own opinion, I urge you to do you your own research and choose a breakfast that suits you, your diet requirements and your lifestyle. This is, as are all breakfast products, a convenience food.
If you like the sound of the Fuel10K products, we are giving away a months supply. All you have to do is create an account with us for FREE to be in with a chance to win and list a board on Surf Bunker to triple your chances. The comp is open to worldwide audience, good luck.
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