This is groundbreaking news for us here in the office. We can now book that holiday we have always wanted, pay off our mortgages and extend our surfboard quiver over the horizon.
I will get straight to the point, we decided a while ago to put a series of bets on the way two surfers performed in the water against each other based on a judging and point scheme. We contacted some guys we have been told have a background in this sort of thing. They called themselves the WSL at the moment, but apparently that can change at any moment.
What could be possible. Humans in waterholes.
As luck would have it, they had some similar plans that were along the same lines of ours, and we have agreed with them to start these competitions at Snapper Rocks on the 14th March. Upon hearing this, a little known industry paper (imaginative named) 'Surf Magazine' has caught onto the idea and has so far enjoyed wild success.
Enough of the boring back story, we in the office have decided to open up our betting system to you guys via the imaginatively named outlet above. You can join, and make a team for all the events that will take place this year. Choose your players, build your fantasy surf team, and play along with us. There will be prizes for every competition and a 'grand prize' at the end of the surf year.
A Small Company who had a similar vision.
Here is the link to our clubhouse. So get on there and get going. You can join at any time during the year for the individual comps, but have a week from now to sign up for the first comp at Snapper Rocks (AUS)
Below is some footage of what could be expected. Who knows, the idea might catch on.
A Small Company who had a similar vision.
Duncan Goodhew lookalike.
The Proposed Venue of Snapper Rocks, Australia
What could be possible. Humans in waterholes.