Back by popular demand is this section of the magazine, the 'Inner Bunker', where members of our collective can discuss upcoming WSL tour events, analyse performances and generally chat about who is going to win the World Title.
SB: Today we are going to tax the grey cells of Cameron who is our Californian chief of there. Okay Cam, lets hit it, what do you think of how the year has panned out so far?
Cam: So far I’ve found watching this year to be highly enjoyable. The waves haven’t always been perfect, but the level of surfing has been incredible. Watching the vets and the young guns going at it has been really interesting. Seeing Mick’s straight power surfing standing up to Filipe’s aerial antics makes me really agree with and appreciate the work being done by the WSL judges. They have in my opinion been spot on this year. Very rarely do I find myself disagreeing with their decisions. Kieren Perrow seems to make all the right calls and put the boys out in the best conditions.
Margaret’s was a highlight for me. Seeing the boys tackle the box was awesome and the conditions at Main Break they got looked all-time. Watching Owen in Fiji was an absolute treat. Felipe in Brazil made me want to figure out how to do full rotations (wish me luck I’m going to need it). And Mick in South Africa, as well as at Lowers, was hugely inspirational in the carving department. I think if I had to watch one turn for the rest of my life, it would be his go-to in the pocket wrap.
Was this the best Quiksilver Pro ever?
SB: The Elephant in the room, Kelly Slater. What do you think he will do? Is he going to compete next year?
Cam: Gosh that’s a tough one. I think he’s also been really fun to watch this year even though he hasn’t done particularly well. I think he could run up the rankings in the back half if the waves are good. If the beach breaks in Europe are small and it comes down to turns and airs, I feel like he’s going to be out-shined. But if it’s big barrels he’s always dangerous and the rest of the crew should beware.
SB: With John John and Jordy back in the mix for the Quiksilver Pro France do you think they will factor in the finals?
Cam: I hope so. Those two have been huge missing links for me all year long. I want to see them surfing deep into every event. They are both easily in the top five most exciting surfers on tour for me. JJ obviously had a great Europe leg last year, and I wouldn’t put it past him to show up and blow up again. Jordy however I’m a bit worried about. His confidence level has seemed quite low this year (understandably), but he’s also been vocal about how much he wants to win, and I think that all he needs is one or two good results to get his confidence back. Once he does he’ll be dangerous. I think it’s more a matter of when than if that will happen.
SB: An event win. How much do you think is down to equipment and knowledge of a break?
Cam: I think all of the tour surfers have plenty of experience in hollow beach breaks. They are tuned in to how to surf those waves well and what equipment works for them there. Pipe is always the wild card for both experience and equipment, so I’d say that will be a different story. The guys with less experience have a better shot at Pipe when the waves are smaller Backdoor type conditions. If it’s big and pumping the veterans will shine through there.
SB: Who are your top three picks for the Quiksilver Pro France?
Cam: Mick, Julian and John John.
SB: Not related to the Quiksilver Pro but what do you think about Surfing being in the Olympics?
Cam: I love the idea. I’m in support of it 100%. I think that with the current rate of advancement in wave pool technology, we could see some great artificially made waves come 2020. It would be cool for the top guys in the sport to have a shot at an Olympic medal, and to see surfing on the world stage like that would make watching the Olympics even more fun than it already is.
SB: And there you have it, another one of us surf geeks' opinion on how it is going to go down in the beautiful land of baguettes and barrels. Thanks to those that emailed me directly about the first ever 'Inner Bunker' and look forward to one of these before each event.
May you be eternally blessed with glassy conditions.
Sunset Glass
Quiksilver Pro 2012
Perhaps the perfect set-up?
John John Florence
2014 Quicksilver Pro France Champ. Could it be a repeat?