We heard tales of a spot... a secret spot hidden in a land where they speak an unfamiliar tongue, very rarely heard. The land is awash with tall skinny pines that span as far as the eye can see, and a coast peppered with sand dunes as high as skyscrapers.  Sightings of naked bodies gallivanting in the sun, whilst bending over to inspect the scattered pebbles are apparently common occurrences in these parts.

They say, in summer the sun blazes down and thaws out daily stresses you might normally find at home.

I’m told that the morning must be greeted ritualistically with a coffee, and there, smoking is cool, it’s sexy... Male traditionalists of these parts have been known to be of shorter than average height, wear flat hats and stripy t-shirts, whilst the ladies are elegant, confident and totally non-plussed at the man’s over enthusiastic advances, whilst sporting sexy matching underwear.

Be warned, driving in this part of the world can be dangerous… especially as the art of parking their own vehicles whilst being sure to damage yours as much as possible, means bumper pushing is standard procedure!

These stories captivated our imagination. It planted the seed of adventure. We had to go and investigate for ourselves to confirm the marvels of these rumoured waves that barrel hard and glisten in the sun… so of course, we went in winter!!!

Where you might ask… where is this mysterious place!!?

With a cracking smile and a creative mind, Susan Lindner put this lovely clip together in a flash of an instant. Lady Linder and her fella, Balu Derbaer live on the coast for the months of winter and spent their days with a mix of working, playing, surfing, creating works of art from what they collected on the beach and genuinely loving life.

A quote from Sooze

“endless lines, sun and happiness. Grateful for the chance to be in France for 7 months living the dream of a life by the sea. Because: life is better at the beach.”

Cold and beast-like but perfect.

Cold and beast-like but perfect.

If you want to follow in the footsteps of this adventure and have a great place to rest your surfed out soul, give Uli a shout Atlantic Surf Lodge here. It's in a great location, the food hearty and tasty, the people knowledgeable and surfy, you get a bike to get about and you'll be very warmly welcomed.

Thanks to you both for being awesome… 'til next time.

Blue Perfection in a secret location.

Blue Perfection in a secret location.

Draining right hand banks in the best place in the world. The Beach.

Draining right hand banks in the best place in the world. The Beach.

Cold and beast-like but perfect.

Cold and beast-like but perfect.
