Last Wave is about a promise. A promise I made with myself when I decided that this lifestyle, surfing, was one I wouldn't take for granted. I realized the struggles that would be presented, geographically lacking a wave enriched environment, which is not known to constitute progression. All time spent in the ocean would consist of maximum effort. The last wave of every session must promote progression or I must paddle back out and continue the session's search.
Inspired by the Poem 'Last Wave' By Scott Cuttre
This ideology also is taken one step further, in Last Wave. Tempting fate, asking whomever, wondering, if this is the last wave of the session or the last wave I shall ever be blessed to of had during this journey. Unaware if this life that was spent chasing a dream, not only in surfing but during the harshness of life, was time well worth striving for. Pushing as hard as possible through my last turns as I have in life to be free of regret.
Last Wave
Without time for a lapse that could result in a fall
honed effort and focus for a moment I'll forever recall
An agreement with myself when I started this mission
I've stayed true to this pledge, refusing to back off tradition
To understand what it means, abiding by this rule
acts as pride within, allowing the deepest devotion to be fueled
Where I think this belief stems, is the stretch of ocean I come from
starving for a consistent platform, at times, making my spirit go numb
Worth waiting for... the last wave.
For now that is..
However the session has gone, this last try must stand out
for myself and those watching I can't leave the slightest of doubts
This credo goes deeper with all that's at stake
this possibly could be, the last ride to leave in my wake
If I'm blessed with my end to come during this final embrace
please let my rails and my fins act as footprints of a life to be traced
Nothing taken for granted, leaving my soul in this last culmination
the final act in a life's aspiration to leave more than a minor quotation
Still there needs to be joy in this one final battle
not only for the session, but to quiet this time's endless rattle
One must have lived lavish to feel entitled to this grand manifestationam I asking too much of my life's greatest sensation
By Scott Cuttre
Preparing for the feeling of this being your 'Last Wave'
One of the most difficult things you might do. Photo Credit: Alex Frings.
Inspired by the Poem 'Last Wave' By Scott Cuttre
Surfing is about choosing the right wave. The one you can sync with.
Worth waiting for... the last wave.
For now that is..