Okay, now I think I know roughly know how the world works. The water is wet, the sky is blue and sex sells. Yes, that’s right it, actually does. No one knows this more than the top surf brands on the planet. The problem comes when that ideology is adopted in a professional sport, especially in women's sports.
Let me be more specific. The question I would like to ask is, why has Johanne Defay not got a big juicy sticker on the front of her board? For those of you that do not know who she is, hold on.
Johanne Defay is a French born female surfer who qualified for the WSL Tour last year, but found herself without a sponsor. With the girls' tour being bigger these days and what with the cost of travel, accommodation, equipment, competing is an expensive business. It's impossible to afford to be on tour and rely just on the prize money.
So who steps up to save Johanne? Jeremy Flores, that's who. Yes, another pro has to front the money for Johannes tour! What sort of crazy world is this? How long before we have pros who sponsor pros who sponsor pros. To keep on point here, it would not be worth writing these words if Johanne was average or a bit above average. The fact is she rips.
Johanne Defay
Fun, Smart and Pretty.
Johanne Defay won the Rookie of the Year award last year, which means she was the best newcomer and she made it to the semi finals on two occasions. She still remains without a major sponsor this year! Pictures speak a thousand words and films are better so have a look at this short movie about Johanne and Bianca Buitendag. Tell me there shouldn't be a sticker on the front of her board.
Its not as if Johanne is not pretty either. She comes across well in interviews, seems to be constantly smiling so what gives? Come on someone, give her a sticker! Oh and well done Jeremy Flores for stepping up and helping, maybe that's the answer after all? If so, the world is officially bonkers. Rant over.
Johanne Defay
Fun, Smart and Pretty.