Jack Unsworth is the European Junior Longboard champion, crowned as of December 2016. That means he must have beaten some pretty formidable opponents in pretty darn decent waves.
The UK does not have a great deal of champions in the surfing arena, and being from the island myself, I thought this would be a good time celebrate inwardly (as English people do) and have a chat with Jack himself.
SB: Hey Jack, how was it to take that win at the end of last year?
Jack: It was such a surreal experience. It’s been years in the making so there were a lot of emotions to say the least. Think I was fluctuating between being the most psyched up I’ve ever been and not being able to control the adrenaline! Thankfully we were gifted with the best waves all competition period too, not getting smaller than chest high nor bigger than about 4-6ft and offshore winds for a week - very unlikely in Britain!
A moment you will remember for the rest of your life.
SB: What now? Where do you set your sights from here?
Jack: I’m aiming to try and make the big leagues by qualifying for the World Championships in China by doing the European leg of the qualifying tour. Me and another Skindog team rider are doing the comps together, so it should be a good laugh whilst hopefully making some finals!
SB: How much hard work has gone into getting where you are now?
Jack: A hell of a lot! However, many years of keeping my cardiovascular fitness to a professional level, whilst surfing as much as possible, has paid dividends and I couldn’t be much happier than where I am in my surfing career right now.
Jack is not afraid to lay it down.
SB: From a professional's perspective. What do you think about surfing being included in the Olympics?
Jack: This was one of the biggest questions in surfing in 2016! I think it’ll bring a lot more money to the sport and increase it’s popularity, although I do like the fact that surfing is more of an “underground” sport and surfers are seen to be more individualistic. It’s not going to affect myself (as of yet) being a longboarder though, as longboarding will not be included, which I find strange that they don’t include. For instance, snowboarders have half-pipe and downhill and stuff, swimmers have different distances/strokes, yet surfers get stuck with one category of “surfing”.
SB: Where did you grow up surfing and what is your ‘bread and butter wave’
Jack: I grew up surfing at my local break Westward Ho! at the age of about 8, and to this day I am proud to say it’s my bread and butter wave! It’s not the most popular of breaks so I often get as many waves as I desire with a couple of mates - the dream right?!
SB: Those Skindog boards look great. Do you have much to do with the design or shaping side of things?
Jack: I’ve been with Skindog for a few years now, so our relationship has grown closer. To begin with I’d just get shapes based around my file (weight, preferences, etc), but as of recently, he and I have been working on a new single-fin that we’re certain is going to bring a lot to the table. We’re currently in prototype stages but it’s looking positive already!
SB: Who do you look up to if anyone in the surfing world?
Jack: I don’t think many surfers out there wouldn’t mention Kelly as their role model in the surfing world. Still pushing the limits at the age of 45 years young, owns multiple companies, has a smoking hot girlfriend and has as much wisdom as a PhD student - pretty well put together right?
SB: A difficult question but an on going topic for us (only answer if you want to) - What are your views on localism?
Jack: To some degree, I think localism is necessary. It teaches you discipline when you surf breaks away from home, and makes you appreciate good waves when it’s your turn. People turning up at your local and paddling for everything in sight whilst showing no respect for the ocean creates a tension in the line-up - something people are trying to avoid whilst surfing.
SB: Thanks so much to Jack for sparing the time and effort to have a chat with us. We're pretty sure that Jack has a life full of opportunities ahead of him especially looking up to King Kelly himself for inspiration. Good luck in the future Jack and keep on representing the island (Britain) and give us some to cheer on.
The Slabhunter Model from Skindog Surfboards.
One of of Ben Skinners models that Jack rides.
Jack is not afraid to lay it down.
A moment you will remember for the rest of your life.