When you are trying to book some surf accommodation for a trip to the other side of the world, how do you do it? Well I guess you use the Google machine, that’s what I would do anyway. It turns out that nope, that’s not such a brilliant idea unless you want to pay 20% to a third party! Yes 20%!!!
Let me explain. Whether you have a super cool little hostel, backpackers or slice of surf accommodation heaven, you still have to have an up-to-date, Google indexed website that comes in the top two pages otherwise it is a struggle to reach the right audience.
There was a time when this was possible and still is if you want to spend a lot of time and effort instead of actually running your business.
What has changed? Answer: Enter the leeches of the surf industry, and be assured I am not pointing any fingers (I don't have enough fingers) at anyone in particular.
If you Google any well known surf break now you will find that the same 'surf companies' come up who are advertising websites of places to stay, kind of like an agent, but they present the information in such a way that it looks like their branded product. These 'big cheeses' have the capital and time to make sure they are top of the search engine rankings and bump the small guy with the cool little business down to the 5th or 6th page. They then approach the cool little business with an offer of selling their product under the 'big cheeses' brand name. Oh and for only 20%! Of everything... yep, that''s 20% of the total bill.
Big Cheese v Small Guy
Its just a matter of time.
Lets just break that down. If you have a cool little surf business that provides accom, rental, lessons, food and drinks on site then the 'big cheese' will ask for 20% of the whole thing.
Boom, these guys then have the capital to re-invest that 20% in making doubly sure they are top of the search engine rankings, thus creating a never ending, self fulfilling prophecy of some fat cats sitting in the sun smoking cigars ('big cheeses') and the little guy who is stuck in having to charge the guests more money to pay the 'big cheeses' more money so he can stay in businesses.
The perfect set up.
This article stared out as an interview with a cool little surf accom in Uluwatu and when, even knowing their name, I could not find them using the Google machine (they have got a good website too) it prompted an investigation and these shocking results.
It seems that the only people who can change this are the actual clients who book their holidays, so I urge them (you) to think long and hard about how you contact people and maybe try searching a few pages back on the Google machine, who knows it could even save you 20%.
Rant over and look out for another solution here on Surf Bunker soon...
The perfect set up.
Don't pay the 20%, you might be stranded.
Big Cheese v Small Guy
Its just a matter of time.
SEO cash cow.