The Fish is a shape that has been around since the Neanderthal man first scrapped his knuckles along the sand. It has been smashed around, turned inside out and remade a hundred different ways. Yet we still keep coming back to the same shape.
It's a shape that looks kind of like the ‘Retro Fish’ that people describe now. The basic characteristics are a large swallow tail giving it a larger tail footprint, fuller rails and nose and a bit more foam than you imagine is healthy under you chest and a keel twin fin set up.
The Fish we are describing is built for speed, down the line fun and is traditionally has the reputation of being no good in decent waves.
I ride Fishes or their type a lot and I have to disagree with this statement. While I would not try and surf one at Teahupoo or double overhead Pipe I, being a mortal, average surfer would not surf these waves at that size anyway. My point is that for your average beachie or point a Fish would do me as a go to everyday board.
I can already hear the discord from the pointy ended thruster hardened, always under 18inches wide old school surf community so I will use this to make my point.
Okay so Rasta is a pro and focuses on Fishes you might say.
My point is that maybe what performs the best in any kind of wave (within reason) is the board that you are comfortable riding and the lines that you want to draw. Yes, there will be drawbacks but just because it's more difficult, does not mean you should not do it.
This has been a public service announcement. Fishes are not just for weak waves, they want to be used in all waves.
Buy a Fish, Ride a Fish, love your Fish.