‘Surfing sux. Don’t try it’ was a bumper sticker I spotted on the back of an old salty’s whip a few years back. As much of an interesting attempt at fooling the masses of Blue-Crush-watching frothers, it aint workin. But it did give me a good giggle.
Surfing will never lose its appeal and ‘cool image’ to the masses thanks to surf apparel being available in Macys, a choice of boards to ride from 1 to (literally) 100 foot, increased media exposure of the ‘Dream Tour’, and of course Alana’s infamous derrière. Thanks Alana.
So what does one do when faced with enough humans in the water that you could walk out to the take off spot? Two options really; get grumpy and jaded, or get clever! With this in mind there are some creative and fun tactics you can use to have a fun sesh, sans crowd.
The classic face-stall.
Coconut Wireless
Nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd. Ever noticed how people paddle our right in front of the car park? “Oh look, there are people surfing there. Must be good” It’s amazing how lazy most people are. I have had multiple sessions to myself only 50m up the beach from a big crew, just because it wasn’t right in front of the path. You don’t have to be Magellan, just explore your peripheral vision! Disclaimer: If ‘Out Front’ is firing and nobody around. Hit that. And make it quick before someone spots you.
Similarly, if you do stumble along a good setup, keep it to yourself. There is something nostalgic about finding your own bank, shredding it, and leaving it to pump into the twilight with not another set of eyes to witness.
Pointing for Pints
Now here is a good way to throw off the car park crew, and maybe even score yourself a couple of free beers! When doing surf reconnaissance never ever (ever!) point to where you want to surf. All its going to do is send a nice hand written and personally signed invitation to anyone else standing around looking for a bank. You might as well go ask them to paddle out with you and take your waves. When you're with a mate, if he points out a bank and others who are in recon-mode follow the invisible dotted line from your mates finger to the bank, you just scored yourself a couple of brews post surf. Always throw the crew off the trail and point in the opposite direction whilst yelping a bit of froth “sick rights down there, was out yesterday and was pumping”. Works, try it.
Darkside Attack
Now you have thrown off the frothers in the car park to some mysto bank down the other end of the beach, it’s time to strike. But, you don’t want any sheep following you from the car park to the empty A Frame, here is a good tip to baffle them. Depending on your setup, try and park away from the action as much as possible. There is a certain spot I use for this trick all the time. Recon a bank, then piss off over the back of the dunes to park. Load up, and make a run for it straight over the dune/ through bushes/ through a classy restaurant whatevs. Just make it quick. For a bit of added stealth try and spot a bank up the beach right where the sun is right in the prying eyes of the car park sheep! If someone brings a welding helmet to check the surf then forget that last tip.
No pointing ladies, for goodness sake.
Kook Act
Which leads me to our next piece of advice...act like a kook. Easy for some, hard for most when on a scorching section. You see, when someone spots a guy/girl shredding in the surf, most people's natural instinct is to go sit there. Somehow thinking that if they sit there then some of the shred is surely gonna wash onto their ability. So if you see a crew sussing where to paddle out then scrap like hell for a mediocre wave to make them think it’s the only good ones coming through, then go to poo stance mode and get your wiggle-on. Coast is clear? Channel your inner Dane Reynolds and get back to shredding.
Got a fun little tactic of your own? Sharing is caring....well kinda. Drop us a line below!
Photo Credits to the awesome Baptiste Haugomat
Everyone's idea of a perfect surf...
The classic face-stall.
No pointing ladies, for goodness sake.